In 2011 Rachel Downs and Sheri Rouse met at a retreat, run by a blogger, for moms raising kids who have experienced early trauma. Those early retreats brought together upwards of 100 women who found encouragement, understanding and lifelong friendships. Those that attended found that a special bond was formed with the other attendees. These ladies could understand each other’s unique struggles in providing a safe, loving and appropriate home for our children who struggle with the challenges of early trauma. These ladies became a shoulder to cry on or an ear to listen and become a large cheering section for one another as we all strived to do better, be better and love better.
In 2013, Beyond Trauma and Attachment (BeTA) was formed to not only continue providing and organizing the Annual Retreat, but also expanding to Gatherings for moms and families around the country, Support Groups for moms and dads who are raising kids that have experienced early trauma. BeTA is incorporated in the State of Georgia and a registered Not For Profit organization run by a Board of Directors.
Our Retreat is our largest event yearly. We strive to offer exceptional classes that will meet the needs of our many attendees. These classes focus on the myriad of topics that can be unique to raising children such as ours. Our goal is to educate and encourage mothers and send them home with some new ideas or simply bolster their current knowledge. Support groups are also available during the weekend that are more specific to family composition and education aspects. Highlights of the weekend include a 5K walk/run and a large Saturday event with a group meal, an auction for the scholarship fund and entertainment. The weekend also hosts excellent local massage therapists that can be booked for a small fee. The best part is fellowship, laughter, tears and much needed relaxation. BeTA boasts that attendees can make it whatever they need in order to rest and find what they need to go home and be an effective parent.
Scholarships are offered for women who cannot afford to make the trip. Fundraisers are used to secure funding for scholarships as well as private donations which can be directly given to a particular woman or can be designated for the general fund. Cost of the weekend varies depending on the type of room that is reserved in one of our many reserved villas. Food, materials, ground transportation from MCO Aiport and lodging is all covered in the cost of the retreat.
Alumni have found that the connections made and the support they garner in Orlando lasts a lifetime. Our community stays very connected and offers continual support as we navigate our way through life. Many of our moms have reported positive changes not only in themselves but in their children as they make use of the skills, resources and support that they receive due to our Orlando retreat.